Pinterest – DO IT!

I’ll try to keep this one short and sweet. Just a few words about Pinterest.

For those of you who have been living under a rock, Pinterest is this new website (well, maybe not entirely new anymore, but still kind of exclusive – you need to be invited to join (this sounds a lot more hoity-toity than it really is – if you need an invite, just ask)) where you can keep collections of items you find anywhere online. You post these items onto a “pinboard” – sort of like an old-fashioned cork board you used to have in your bedroom growing up (mine had a gold star chart, probably pictures of unicorns and all things sparkly, and the random Highlights magazine article).  Let me explain how it works:

So you’re obsessed with, say, giraffes. You’re cruising the internet highway in search of the perfect giraffe tattoo. When lo and behold, you come upon this:


It’s perfect. It’s just the tattoo you’ve always talked about since you were a little girl (when connect the dots was the epitome of “art”). But before you commit to it, you see this one:

This one suits your adult personality a lot better and you think it would go over a lot better at work and with your parents. Plus you wouldn’t have to worry about your kids drawing all over your legs while you’re asleep. Well with Pinterest, you can not only store them together in one place (thereby not cluttering precious hard drive space with scattered giraffe images), but you can also share those images with others – and FIND images from others who share your interests. Hence – Pinterest.

This is a PERFECT resource for someone planning a wedding and trying to organize the various themes they’re considering. Or a place to gather inspiration if they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. It’s also perfect when you’re thinking about reorganization, crafting, redecorating, traveling, or if you just like art, fashion, cool stuff, photography, animals… which I would hope covers most people. If you don’t find yourself included in any of those categories, then you may as well stop reading right now and crawl back under that rock.

So how it works is this: you sign up (email, password, the usual). Then you can link your twitter and Facebook accounts and find your friends. Then you and all your friends can “follow” each other’s pinboards (and the boards of anyone else whose collection you come upon and notice that they have the same exquisite taste in giraffes as you do). You can create as many boards as you’d like. You can pin as many things to each board as you’d like. You can re-pin things that others have pinned. Plus, each time you log in, you are brought to a homepage where you can see what your friends and those you are following have recently pinned. I’m not going to go into further detail because I’m assuming that by now you’re either a) already signed up or b) in the process of sending me an email requesting an invite.

You can follow me by clicking on this link. I have a bunch of boards dedicated to wedding stuff (and peacocks) because those are the things that I find myself obsessed about the most. I’ve also started a cross promotion with the EtsyWeddingTeam where a new theme is featured each week (this week it’s Vintage Weddings) so if you follow me (or any of us) you may find yourself inspired by a variety of items that would work for your wedding or someone you know.

Happy pinning!


  1. Hey, I’ve just loved that giraffe. Do you know who makes it? I have this one tattooed on my leg. Thanks!

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